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Exciting New Editing Role at LittleThings.
I am exciting to announce I have been promoted at LittleThings. Since August, I have been both writing and editing for the site. I am...
New Article for OC Theater Guild
A fun, new article about Westminster Community Playhouse's production of One Wife Too Many is now out on the OC Theater Guild's website....
Weekly Writing Round Up
These days I write multiple articles a week so I thought I would start a new weekly tradition of recapping my favorites every Sunday...
New Writing Gig with We Got This Covered!
I am excited to announce I am now a contributing blog writer for We Got This Covered. My first article "10 Period Dramas to Watch If You...
Two New Articles for Southern California News Group
Thankfully vaccinations have allowed holiday traditions to continue with some modifications this year. It was a joy to cover two of...
Knock LA Article: The Forgotten Role of Native Americans in LA Wine History
My latest article ran in Knock LA on Sunday. It tells the dark history of forgotten role of Native Americans in Los Angeles' wine history....
New Article live on Brides!
A new article I wrote is live on Brides. It is entitled 7 Ways to Consider Your Single Friends When Planning Your Wedding and can be...
My children's short story was published in Smarty Pants Magazine for Kids.
Much like Shakespeare who wrote King Lear during the plague, I too have written a new classic. My short story "Delightful Delaney...
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